Friday, September 3, 2010


Another Picture of LGBT Best Buy Section 

from tommiezito

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Check out the new dvd section in Best Buy...LGBT...for those of you that don't know what that stands for... Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual and Transgender.


from americanawakening's posterous

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Powerful Testimony

Adam from Anchorage writes: I'm guessing I was between 13 and 15 when TZM came to my church. I have been raised up in a christian home all my life and I've always had a heart for God. I wasn't ever really sure what my calling was. When Tommie Zito Ministries came, we did street ministry to lead people to Christ, and then we went back to church. It gripped my heart. The next day we were going to do street ministry again. We were praying in the church first and God's presence fell on me like I never have felt it before. My heart began to hurt for the people who didn't know God. I was weeping and crying for quite sometime and it began to be a burning on my heart, to tell everyone about God. Every ear shall hear. haha. In one of the evening meetings, Tommie Zito prayed for me and again that burden for lost people hit me like this deep feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tommie knelt down and put his hand on my stomach and stayed quiet. Then he said get me my coat and he lay his coat on me and said, let the same calling on my life be upon him even greater than it is upon me and God's presence just overcame me. Now my ministry is leading me to Youth Evangelist. I am 19 years old soon to be 20 and I'm a youth leader here in my church now.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti Earthquake/Haiti Crusade

Here is our link if you want more info on the Haiti Earthquake/Haiti Crusade!! Please prayerfully consider helping.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Live Webinar Friday, January 22, at 7pm Eastern Time

TZM Live Webinar
Friday, January 22, at 7 p.m. eastern

Speaker: Brother Tommie

Topic: Haiti Earthquake; Haiti Crusade

Dr Jay Threadgill pastors a church of 8,000 in Haiti. Their church collapsed in the earthquake losing 30 bible school students and many church members that are still unaccounted for. Brother Tommie feels strongly it is important to provide shelter for the church. A tent big enough to hold 2,000 people will be transported to Haiti to help with this situation. It will also be used for housing, medical services, etc. TZM is planning to send a representative to Haiti week to be able to see exactly what is needed to further help this church. Tune into the live webinar at to find out more information.

TZM is also planning a crusade on February 17 to Dr. Threadgill's church. Be in prayer about joining us.
More details to follow on the live webinar.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Attention Partners

Dear Partners,

Sometimes we have no idea how important our monthly giving can be. It is times such as what happened in Haiti that your giving helps us. We are working on sending some of our people to Haiti as well as looking for an airdome that seats 2,000 to help a pastor who lost staff, over 30 bible students etc.

If you have not given yet this month please send or use your credit card or paypal as soon as possible. We really appreciate you and keep praying that the gospel will go out.

Brenda Stevanato
20/20 Vision Partners
Nat'l Coordinator