Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Powerful Testimony

Adam from Anchorage writes: I'm guessing I was between 13 and 15 when TZM came to my church. I have been raised up in a christian home all my life and I've always had a heart for God. I wasn't ever really sure what my calling was. When Tommie Zito Ministries came, we did street ministry to lead people to Christ, and then we went back to church. It gripped my heart. The next day we were going to do street ministry again. We were praying in the church first and God's presence fell on me like I never have felt it before. My heart began to hurt for the people who didn't know God. I was weeping and crying for quite sometime and it began to be a burning on my heart, to tell everyone about God. Every ear shall hear. haha. In one of the evening meetings, Tommie Zito prayed for me and again that burden for lost people hit me like this deep feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tommie knelt down and put his hand on my stomach and stayed quiet. Then he said get me my coat and he lay his coat on me and said, let the same calling on my life be upon him even greater than it is upon me and God's presence just overcame me. Now my ministry is leading me to Youth Evangelist. I am 19 years old soon to be 20 and I'm a youth leader here in my church now.