Sunday, December 20, 2009

Facebook Testimony “Upper Room Long Island, NY

A few years ago at the Upper Room in Long Island, you came for a while with your ministry. Just what I needed to be set on fire again. We were in a service and I was so filled that I ran out of the room to get on the phone with my birth father in Florida. He prayed the prayer of salvation with me! He was once a man with a dark cloud over him taunted by the prospect of hell. Now he chews my ear off several times a week “Julie, you have to read your bible; read your bible!” We didnt always have so much contact. During that initial phone call with him, the Lord allowed me the grace to forgive him and start to love him the way I should. Jesus is definitely at work in his life also. he is now a passionate man of God searching for how to get closer! Thank you for sharing God with me. Jesus is still changing my life : )

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